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100-Day Moving Average Trading Strategy Guide

The 100-day moving average (100-DMA) is a crucial indicator in technical analysis, offering insights into the overall trend of a security or market over a more extended period. Calculated by averaging the closing prices of the last 100 trading days, this moving average provides traders and investors with a smoothed trendline, aiding in decision-making. In this blog we will learn more about it and how it empowers traders in navigating the dynamic landscape of financial markets.

Defining 100-Day Moving Average

The 100-day moving average is a technical indicator widely used by traders. It represents the average price of a stock over a period of 100 days or medium term. Like any other moving average, the 100-day moving average also helps traders analyse price trends. It primarily tells traders whether the stock is witnessing an uptrend or a downtrend. At the same time, the 100-day moving average also gives traders buy and sell signals.

Significance of 100-Day Moving Average

So, why should the 100-day moving average be used? The straightforward answer is to analyse medium term price trends. Traders have found 100 days or 20 weeks a suitable time frame to trade stocks in the medium term.

Calculating 100-Day Moving Average

To calculate the moving average for a time period x, one can take the average of the closing price x number. In other words, add up the closing prices (closing day price of day 1 + closing day price of day 2…. + closing day price of day x) and then divide the sum by x. In the case of the 100-DMA, x is equal to 100.     

This said, one does not have to manually calculate the 100-DMA. The modern-day stock trading software and apps offered by brokers, like Share India, give the feature to apply the moving averages of any period to any price chart. So, to apply the indicator on the price chart, one simply needs to click the indicator symbol, select the moving average indicator, and configure it to 100 days. Once done, the 100-DMA is plotted on the chart, and it takes the shape of a smooth curve. 

Understanding Working of 100-Day Moving Average

When the 100-day moving average is plotted on the price, one of these three scenarios occurs:

100-Day Moving Example Chart

In the above illustration, the yellow line represents the 100-DMA, and since the price is trading above the 100-DMA, it depicts an uptrend. Here you can see that the price tends to take support and bounce back upwards whenever it nears or touches the 100-DMA line.

Trading Stocks Using 100-DMA

Limitations of 100-Day Moving Average Strategy


To conclude, the 100-day moving average is an effective indicator that you can use to analyse price trends in the medium term. However, due to its lagging nature, it’s more often used as a trend confirmation indicator than to take buying positions or exit existing positions. So, to identify buying and selling signals, you can use the 100-DMA in conjunction with other indicators and price patterns.

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