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Understanding Forex Arbitrage Trading Strategies

Typically, investors hope to profit by purchasing securities at lower prices and selling them at higher prices. The trading of currencies also works on the same concept. The main goal of forex trading is to make money by predicting a currency pair’s price movement. But what if you could take advantage of the forex market without the need to do this? There is, in fact, one such strategy. It’s referred to as currency arbitrage or forex arbitrage. Traders profit from the difference in prices at which two transactions are completed when they purchase and sell simultaneously at separate prices. Forex arbitrage trading is one of the several ‘market-neutral’ forex trading techniques that are available. So, let’s learn about arbitrage in the foreign exchange market in this article.

What is Arbitrage Trading?

The goal of arbitrage trading is to profit from price disparities between several marketplaces.

Is Risk-Free Arbitrating Possible?

Forex Arbitrage Explained

Let’s now look at the forex or currency arbitrage meaning. The practice of traders trying to buy a currency at a lower cost and selling it for a higher price is known as forex arbitrage.

Example of Forex Arbitrage Trading

Assume that a Company is listed in both Australia and India. The shares rise from ₹60 to ₹60.10 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). However, its stock price remains at ₹60 on the Australian Stock Exchange. A trader may make a 10 paise profit per share by purchasing on the ASE and selling it right away on the NSE.

Forex Arbitrage Strategies

Triangular Forex Arbitrage

Triangle arbitrage is one of the most often used arbitrage trading techniques in the forex market. This requires opening positions with three currency pairings. The traders who take advantage of these possibilities are generally well-equipped with sophisticated computers and automated software. These opportunities are recognised to be extremely uncommon.

In short, it is a type of profit-making carried out by currency traders in which investors utilise algorithmic transactions to profit from price disparities. Making these kinds of deals, meanwhile, is difficult since they need to be done rapidly and in large quantities.

Forex Statistical Arbitrage

Forex statistical arbitrage uses a quantitative approach to find price divergences that are statistically likely to be right in the future. It accomplishes this by putting together a basket of currency pairings that perform well and a basket of currency pairs that perform poorly. The purpose of this basket is to buy the underperformers and short the overperformers.

It is assumed that over time, the relative values of the two baskets will probably approach the mean. You would require a close historical relationship between the two baskets for this assumption to be true. Thus, while picking currency pairs, the arbitrator needs to consider this factor also. It is better to maintain as much market neutrality as you can.

Riskless Profit

Arbitrage is often referred to as riskless. However, it’s not entirely true. The risk of a well-executed forex arbitrage strategy would be minimal. Yet the execution is half the work. One major issue is execution risk. You must execute your offsetting positions at the same time or almost at the same time. It becomes more challenging because arbitrage has a slight edge. Even the slippage of a few pips (the smallest whole unit price move) would wipe out your profit.


Through arbitrage, a trader can take advantage of market inefficiencies to make low-risk profits. Forex arbitrage is the process of buying a currency for a low price and selling it at higher prices. Arbitrage opportunities are typically short-lived. This is because once traders discover an inefficiency, the market tends to balance itself out in terms of buyers and sellers. A trader can profit from an arbitrage opportunity before it closes with the use of automated trading tools. Reputed financial firms like Share India offer excellent trading platforms that facilitate swift transactions. Currency arbitrage, covered interest arbitrage, and triangular arbitrage are common techniques for trading forex arbitrage.

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