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Difference Between Equity and Commodity

Both equities and commodities are financial investment instruments/asset classes. They both hold real value. Simply put, the major differences between equity and commodity classes are:

So if you buy equity, you buy a company’s stock. Plus, if you’re reading this article, you probably at least have a gist of why equity/stocks interest people—to grow their wealth.

Conversely, when you are buying commodities, you’re buying a physical commodity; no, not really. In addition, when it comes to commodities, investors are more interested in hedging properties to protect their investments.

If you want a more in-depth take on the subject of equity vs. commodity, consider reading the rest of the article.

What Is Equity?        

If you are an equity holder in a company, you are an owner in that company. That is because a company’s equity or stock represents a share of ownership in the company. It can also be defined as the money the company’s shareholder receives in the event the company has to liquidate its assets after paying off all its obligations.

Companies launch their IPO and list their shares on stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). So, you can invest through the IPO or by purchasing shares on the stock exchange. You can even do so by investing in equity mutual funds or equity derivatives trading on the stock exchanges. Stocks and equity are synonymous terms; when you buy a company’s stock, you’re buying an equity stake in the company.

In other words, equity denotes a share of ownership in the company. Equity can also be defined as the money the company’s shareholders receive if the company liquidates all its assets after paying all its obligations. So, if you buy shares of Reliance Industries or TCS from the NSE, you are an equity investor.

You can invest in equity by investing in a company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) or by directly purchasing its stock over a regulated exchange like the NSE or BSE. You can also become an equity investor by investing in equity mutual funds or buying through equity derivatives; more on derivatives in the next section. In addition to these traditional methods of investing in equity, you can explore the long-short equity strategy, a distinctive approach that involves taking both long and short positions on stocks to potentially maximise returns while managing risk effectively.

What Is a Commodity? 

On the other hand, a company is a tangible raw material or agricultural product that must be processed before customers can use or consume it. They trade in physical markets as well as regulated exchanges. In India, there are four categories of commodities trading over major exchanges like the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX). They are:

However, on the exchanges, you can’t trade the commodity directly; you trade its derivatives. So, in other words, you can’t buy crude on the MCX, but you can trade its futures or options contracts.

Derivatives: To summarise, derivative contracts like futures and options derive their value from underlying assets—commodities in the case of commodity derivatives (stocks in the case of stock derivatives). When you trade a derivatives contract, like the aforementioned one, you agree to transact the underlying assets on a future date based on things like a predetermined price and other stipulations.  

To understand commodity trading, you must understand how derivative trading works.

Equity vs. Commodity | Differences 

Now let’s dive deep and understand the differences between equity and commodity instruments in detail.

Equity vs. Commodity: Form Factor

Equity vs. Commodity: Trading Mechanisms  

Equity vs. Commodity: Factors Determining Pricing 

Equity vs. Commodity: Why Trade Them? 

Equity vs. Commodity: Which One Should You Invest in? 


Equity exists in the dematerialised form.Commodities exist as tangible items. .
Shares trade on regulated the stock exchanges like the NSE and BSECommodities trade in the physical markets and regulated exchanges like the MCX and the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX).
Buying equity makes you an owner of the company.Buying commodities (derivatives) over the exchange doesn’t make you an owner of the commodity.
Stock derivatives are physically settled (stock delivery).Commodity derivatives are settled in cash.
Both long and short-term investors trade stocks.Generally short-term investors trade commodities.
Relatively less complex and volatile.More complex and volatile.
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