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Remisier: Definition and Benefits

Remisiers play a vital role in the stockbroking industry as intermediaries. They earn a commission for recommending business to the broker. However, they don’t handle the actual sales themselves. In this article, you will learn who are remisiers, how they differ from brokers, financial consultants, etc., their roles and responsibilities, the benefits of this role, and factors to consider when taking up this role.

Defining Remisier

A remisier refers to someone who helps a stockbroker find clients and earns a commission for connecting them. It’s important to note that they are not a representative of the stockbroker but more like an introducer.

Becoming a Remisier

Difference Between a Remisier, Sub-Broker, Financial Consultant, and Investment Consultant



Financial Consultant

Investment Consultant

Benefits of Being a Remisier

Incremental Earnings

One of the most significant benefits is the ability to build a source of consistent income. These funds can be used to support lifestyle perks and upgrades or for investments.

Minimal Effort

You will not have to put much effort into being a remisier if you have the art of convincing, the gift of gab, and are an opinion leader in your circle. Moreover, this job is already a right fit if your friends and family continually ask for your financial advice. However, if you lack these skills or knowledge, it’s okay. You can develop such skills and succeed.

Zero Investment

As opposed to many incremental income opportunities that require time or money investment, you can instantly launch your business.

Work from Anywhere

The trend of remote working allows you to work anywhere and anytime. Even from home, you can run your business.

Scope for Growth

You can earn as much as you want. Brokers usually allow you to refer as many clients as you like. Additionally, you can expand your services by becoming a financial consultant.

Key Considerations for a Remisier Role

Quality of Contacts

Reputation and Outlook

Brand Promise


A remisier is a person who assists brokers in locating clients and earns income from this effort. You can become a remisier with a reputable company to increase your earnings. However, it’s essential to possess the skills to persuade and gain the trust of people so they take your advice seriously. If you don’t have a large personal network, you can start by leveraging a well-connected family member or professional contact.

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