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A Guide to Becoming a Sub-Broker in India

The Indian stock market has witnessed a surge in popularity, evident from the significant increase in retail individuals opening millions of Demat accounts in the first half of 2021. Playing a pivotal role in this trend, sub-brokers contribute to the growing number of clients in online trading, aiding in account openings and investment decisions. The expanding opportunities for sub-brokers present a lucrative prospect for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to enter the stock market. However, the process of becoming a sub-broker may appear challenging without a detailed guide. This article provides comprehensive insights on how to embark on the journey of becoming a sub-broker in the stock market. Read on for a clearer understanding of the process.

Defining a Sub-Broker

The role of a sub-broker, also called an authorised person, in the investment market differs and may or may not be directly linked to investing. As there was no online platform, the role of a sub-broker was created when investments were largely carried out by physical means. However, it still happens because of its essential role in the broking industry. A sub-broker technically performs many of the activities performed by the broker but acts as the intermediary between the broker and the investor.

For example, if you want help making investments for an upcoming IPO, a sub-broker can assist you without interacting with the broker.

Becoming a Sub-Broker

Understanding the role and function of a sub-broker is essential for understanding how to become an authorised person. According to the National Stock Exchange, a sub-broker is a middleman between a trading member (stockbroking firm) and the client. A sub-broker allows transactions and communication between traders and investors, compared with stockbrokers that connect clients to the stock exchange on a direct basis.

Specific qualifications are necessary to obtain the status of a sub-broker.

Steps to Become a Sub-Broker

Follow the below-mentioned steps to how to become a sub-broker.

1. Pick the model that best fits your sub-broker franchise

Begin by identifying and evaluating the various sub-broker franchise models currently offered by stockbrokers. You must carefully review their business models and select the best fit for your needs and objectives.

2. Check the eligibility criteria

Review the eligibility criteria established by the stockbroking house after selecting a Sub-broker franchise model. In general, it is very easy to satisfy the criteria for individuals.

3. Prepare and submit the documents

Gather all the necessary documentation when confident that you have fulfilled the eligibility criteria. This includes:

4. Application submission and payment

Once you have received your documents and processing fee, the stockbroker shall electronically send the ‘Exchange Your Request for a Sub-broker’ form, which will be processed on your behalf so they can make an advance payment.

5. Document scrutiny

To ensure no shortcomings are found, the exchange will extensively review the documents provided. The exchange shall send the application form and documents to the stockbroker for correction and subsequently resubmission when any issues or deficiencies are identified.

6. SEBI registration fees

When the exchange approves your application forms, you must provide the necessary registration fees for SEBI’s stockbroking house. The fees will then be transferred to an exchange by a stockbroker acting on your behalf. This step ensures that you are registered as a sub-broker and that the SEBI Regulations are complied with. Once SEBI receives the registration fees, it will issue you a sub-broker’s certificate and a unique registration number. This certificate officially recognises you as an intermediary and authorised to trade in the stock market.

Responsibilities of a Sub-Broker

Benefits of Being a Sub-Broker

Low Investment Amount

Low investment requirements are one of the main benefits of becoming a sub-broker. Like all financial undertakings, sub-brokers do not need substantial capital to set up. The franchisor is responsible for most of the costs. To start their journey as sub-brokers, they only need to invest a small amount. Regardless of the initial investment, sub-brokers can earn unlimited commissions based on their client’s transactions without restrictions.

Financial Knowledge

An important advantage of being a sub-broker or taking part in a sub-broker franchise is that it provides access to financial knowledge. Working with a broker provides the sub-brokers invaluable insight and information on the stock market. This knowledge enables them to understand market dynamics better and make informed decisions about their business.

Despite being prevented from acting as intermediaries, sub-brokers retain the right to conduct personal trading activities with any broker using funds that they have available. Self-sufficiency allows sub-brokers to serve their clients better and fuel their investment journey.

Added Services

As a sub-broker, there is also the possibility of providing customers with other services than investment advice and strategies. Some broking companies allow sub-brokers to provide their customers with additional services, such as mutual fund distribution and loan options. Sub-brokers can earn commissions on these auxiliary services by expanding their service offerings, enabling them to raise income and encourage the growth of their sub-broker franchise.


To become a sub-broker in India, this opportunity provides an excellent entry point into the fast-moving stock market. In this step-by-step guide, we’ve explored the procedure and requirements for how to become a sub-broker. Aspiring entrepreneurs can now embark on a journey towards establishing successful sub-brokerage businesses, from choosing the right franchise model to submitting all necessary documents and fees Know all details from Share India. Join Share India to gain more insight into the stock market.

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