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What Is a Robo-Advisor and How Does It Work?

Financial advice can be obtained from online investment management firms using mathematical algorithms with little human involvement. This article will give you a brief idea of what robo-advisor investing is, along with all its other aspects. Moreover, it is important to mention that robo-advisor investing frequently depends on algo-trading strategies to efficiently execute and handle portfolios. This aspect makes it a convenient and economical solution for investors.

Robo-Advisor Meaning

A robo-advisor is an automated investment platform that manages investment portfolios and offers financial advice using algorithms and machine learning. Robo-advisors are a common option for investors searching for an automated solution to manage their finances because they are often affordable and accessible. They design individualised investment plans for their clients using a combination of surveys, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms. A customised investment portfolio is made using the answers that investors provide to a series of questions about their financial objectives, risk tolerance, and investment preferences.

The Job of a Robo-Advisor

After the portfolio is constructed, the robo-advisor continuously watches the market and modifies it as necessary to keep it in line with the investor’s objectives and risk tolerance. This automated method of investing aims to reduce the danger of human error and emotional decision-making while maximising returns. Robo-advisors can be employed for both short-term investing strategies and long-term financial objectives, such as retirement planning. They have become more well-known in recent years as a result of their reasonable rates, user-friendly interfaces, and capacity to offer individualised investment advice to a wide spectrum of investors.

Perks of Robo-Advisor Investing

Using a robo-advisor for investment management has a number of advantages. Some of these are:

Drawbacks of Robo-Advisor Investing

While utilising robo-advisors for investment management has a number of advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages to take into account. These are:

How Robo-Advisors Are Paid

Asset-based fees, account management fees, and transaction fees are frequently combined to fund robo-advisors. Here are a few typical ways robo-advisors are compensated:

To make sure they understand the total costs involved with using the platform, investors should carefully analyse the fee structure of any robo-investing advisor they are considering.

Features of Robo-Advisors

Managing a Portfolio

Robo-advisors build ideal portfolios depending on the investors’ preferences. Usually, portfolios are built using a variation of the Modern Portfolio Theory, which emphasises the allocation of capital to companies with imperfectly positive correlations.

The weights assigned by robo-advisors to risky and risk-free assets are typically determined depending on the objectives and risk tolerance of the investors. By altering the weights of risky and risk-free assets, robo-advisors keep track of and rebalance the portfolio when economic conditions change.

Tax-Loss Harvesting

Selling shares at a loss in order to avoid paying capital gains tax is known as tax-loss harvesting, and it is often done towards the end of the tax year. Investors can save money on taxes by selling a security at a loss. In order to keep the portfolio allocated and benefit from a market upturn, it is crucial to invest in a comparable security at the same time. Robo-advisors automate the procedure so that users can easily take advantage of tax-loss harvesting.


In India, there are a tonne of robo-advisory companies. However, the current situation indicates that they are truly unable to resolve the users’ real-time problems. Over time, robo-advisors will unquestionably be successful in India. However, they genuinely require a distinct flavour, not a duplicate of US models, as the latter would not be successful in India due to several disparities in the economies and legal systems of the two nations. For the optimum fit, the model should be customised in accordance with the fundamental needs of investors.

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