Mutual Fund Distributor
Mutual funds are investment vehicles which pool funds from a number of investors. A single mutual fund scheme will have the money of several individuals. The money accumulated in it is invested in various other types of assets. These assets can be anything, from stocks or bonds, to even other pooled schemes. It is usually offered by financial institutions known as Asset Management Companies (AMCs). These organisations take up the responsibility of collecting the money from investors and reinvesting it. They employ qualified and experienced individuals with strong financial knowledge. These experts manage the funds. They look to invest investors' money in the most appropriate manner. The aim is to bring maximum returns for the investors.
Invest in Mutual Fund
Features of Mutual Fund
The following are the inherent characteristics of Mutual Funds.
Experts Hold Money
Companies that specialise in asset management and are specialists in the field of investing appoint fund managers.
Smaller Units
In order to raise money from investors, mutual funds divide their resources into smaller portions. These components are known as shares or units of mutual funds. To understand the diversification of MF, you can speak to a Mutual fund distributor.
MF houses provide prospectuses, which include information on the investment goals, types of schemes, level of risk, etc. This is a common practice before making any fund live for the investors.
Goals of Investors
Since there are many investors and they all have distinct investment goals, MF sometimes raise money by executing schemes with various investment goals and after investing that money in line with the investors’ goals.
Equal Output Distribution
Mutual fund investors share in the gain, loss, or expenditures that occur from their investments in proportion to the number of shares they have acquired.
Advantages of Mutual Fund
Here are the prominent advantages you enjoy when you make mutual fund investments.
Transparent Dealings
Every MF house offers a prospectus in a proper manner. There is no going back on the promises made in the prospectus.
Easy Liquidation
Once they have invested the money, investors can withdraw by selling their ownership in the MF if they choose to sell it. In order to do this, the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a mutual fund investment is announced on a daily or weekly basis. By selling their shares based on this NAV, investors can liquidate their holdings.
Investment Diversification
Investment managers invest the money they receive from the wider populace in shares, debentures, bonds, or other government securities of corporations listed on the stock exchange. To clear your investment you can speak to a mutual fund distributor regarding your financial portfolio.
Share India–Our Story Stems from almost Three Decades
Started in 1990, Share India grew into a formidable player in the financial industry. The firm’s existing offerings include trading, investing, and brokerage services. Along with this, they also provide services as a depository participant, research analyst, mutual fund distributor, and a portfolio manager. In the calendar year 2000, the company began stock brokerage activities after registering with SEBI. Currently, Share India offers brokerage services on the BSE and NSE’s equity, currency derivative, and futures and options segments.

Our Offerings
Capital Gain Bonds
A type of bond issued by the government, also called capital gains bonds, are financial instruments that allow for tax exemptions under 54EC to its investors.
Floating Rate Savings Bonds
A debt security issued by the Government of India to promote secure investing for options for investors.