In recent years, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria have gained significant prominence as a framework for evaluating the sustainability and ethical impact of businesses. Among the three pillars of ESG, governance plays a pivotal role in shaping the decision-making processes, transparency, and overall accountability within an organization. Our commitment to sound corporate governance lies at the heart of our sustainability initiatives, reflecting our core values of trust, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence, integrity, respect, and care.
Principles of Corporate Governance
Diverse Board with key skill sets
Reduction of E Waste
Data privacy & Protection
Code of Conduct for Board Members, Senior Management & Employees
Respect, dignity & fair treatment to all internal & external stakeholders
Safeguarding information thereby avoiding considerable damage to business
Regular interface with investors & shareholder grievance mechanism
Cyber Security Program
Aligned with the stipulations of the Companies Act, 2013, and SEBI Listing Regulations, our Board maintains a judicious balance between Executive, Non-Executive, and Independent Directors. This balance serves to delineate the distinct functions of management and governance, fostering the interests of shareholders and ensuring effective governance across Share India.
A robust structure and an illustrious Board
Board has an optimum combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors out of which two are Women Directors
53% of the Board comprises Independent Directors
100% Directors & employees are trained on Code of Business Principles

Our corporate policies are guidelines and framework for ethical behavior and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. They cover our entire areas of operations and have appropriate oversights.
Click here to know more about our Corporate Policies