What is the eligibility criteria for a BSDA account?

The eligibility criteria for a BSDA account are as follows:

  • You need to have a capital of less than ₹2 lakh, which includes the capital plus your profit in your Demat account.
  • You cannot open a joint account in the BSDA category. Any investor can open this Demat account in their sole capacity.
  • You must be a first-time Demat account holder.
  • The investor can keep only one BSDA.

You can easily open a BSDA with Share India. Simply complete the application forms, gather the necessary supporting documents, and send them via courier to the address provided below.

Share India Corporate Office,

A-15, Sector 64, Noida,

Distt. Gautam Buddha Nagar,

Uttar Pradesh-201301

If you need any help, you can contact our support team at 18002030303 or write to us at support@shareindia.com

Application Forms

  • Declaration for availing BSDA (PDF)
  • KYC application if you don’t already have a Demat account (PDF