Is there any minimum investment requirement for purchasing T-bills on Share India?

As per the RBI guidelines, the minimum investment requirement for purchasing T-bills is ₹10,000, and they must be purchased in multiples of ₹10,000. Investors should check the notified amount issued by the RBI for T-bill auctions before placing their bids according to the notified amount and minimum investment requirement.

RBI releases auction notifications for Treasury Bills every week under the name of ‘91 days, 182 days and 364 days Treasury Bills auction.’ Check the website here. 

There are certain conditions investors must follow other than the minimum requirement:

  • Bid Limit: You cannot place a request for T-bills exceeding 90% of your available funds.
  • Fund Availability: Sufficient funds must be available in your account at the time of bidding. If funds are insufficient, the request will be considered null and void. 

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