No, multiple HUF accounts cannot be opened under the same Karta. This is because each HUF is assigned a unique PAN number, which serves as its distinct identity for financial transactions. As per regulations, the Karta can use this PAN number to open only one trading account in the name of the HUF.
However, the Karta is allowed to open personal trading accounts separately for individual transactions, distinct from those of the HUF. This ensures a clear separation between family and personal financial activities, maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory guidelines.
If you’re planning to open an HUF account with Share India, here’s what you need to know:
- Demat Account: Begin by providing your mobile number here and entering the OTP received. You will be assigned a dedicated Relationship Manager who will take you through the entire process of account opening.
- Required Documents: Make sure you have all the necessary documents, account opening forms, and declarations ready. These can be found in the Form Downloads section.
- Support Assistance: For any questions or assistance, you can contact Share India’s offline support team at 18002030303 or email